Update Week of January 17th

Copy of P2E ID letter Grade 2Central Student Registration:  
Central registration for students who will be new to Cranford (kindergarten, first grade, SNAPPY, READY, or any other grade level) for the 2020-2021 school year will be done online followed by an in-person appointment at Lincoln School (playground entrance) between the hours of 8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21.  There will be limited appointments available on Saturday, February 22, 2020. If your child is currently enrolled in the district, (i.e. SNAPPY, READY, kindergarten) you DO NOT need to re-register.
Please carefully read the attached letter and follow the instructions. Please share this correspondence with neighbors who have school- aged children.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michele Cammarata at 908-709-6202.
Grade 2 – Cognitive Abilities Test
Please see the attached letter from Dr. Heineman regarding the CogAt Test for Grade 2 students.  The original letter was emailed in December. Students at BAS will take the CogAT on February 24th and 25th.
100th Day of School Celebration:  
BAS’ Annual 100th Day of School Celebration will take place on Friday, February 14, 2020.  Please be on the lookout for the volunteer sign up link which will be emailed separately next week.  We need a lot of volunteers to make this day an unforgettable experience for the students.  We hope to see you there.
Morning Drop Off: Please adhere to the drop off procedures attached below.  It is important that students are being dropped off at the designated drop off zones. Doors are open from 8:20 AM to 8:25 AM. The front door will remain open until 8:30 AM.  Any student arriving after 8:30 AM will be marked tardy. Please make every effort to have students use their assigned doors from 8:20 AM- 8:25 AM. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe. * Please do not park/idle in the coned off area on Albany Ave.
Registration Letter
P2E ID Letter Grade 2
Important Dates:
January 20, 2020: School Closed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 10, 2020: Single Session for Students/PM Kindergarten Only

Week of Jan 10 Updates

Governor’s Educator of the Year Program: 

Congratulations Mrs. Cruz on being named BAS’ Teacher of the Year.  For over 14 years, Mrs. Cruz has positively touched the lives of children by meeting their academic and social/emotional needs. She promotes academic success while supporting independence, problem solving and other important life skills.  Mrs. Cruz is a lifelong learner who is an active member of the community in and out of school.

Congratulations Mrs. Bober on being named BAS’ Educational Service Professional of the Year.  For almost 20 years, Mrs. Bober has supported students and teachers as a Kindergarten Classroom Assistant and Lunch Aide. Mrs. Bober is dedicated, reliable and loving. Her commitment to BAS comes across in all that she does.

Thank you from Lafayette: Thank you for your extreme generosity!  The BAS Family made a difference in many lives this holiday season.


Kindergarten/New Student Registration: Registration dates for both half-day and full-day kindergarten, as well as anyone who will be new to the Cranford Public Schools (i.e., grade 1, SNAPPY, READY, and incoming freshmen), will be announced in mid-January with registration taking place mid-February. If you have neighbors with children who will be entering the school system, please share with them that registration information will be emailed to parents and posted on the Cranford Board of Education website, TV35, and TAPintoCranford. (Please note that the full-day kindergarten program involved a tuition-based lottery.) If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Michele Cammarata at 908-709-6202.


Morning Drop Off: Please adhere to the drop off procedures attached below.  It is important that students are being dropped off at the designated drop off zones. Doors are open from 8:20 AM to 8:25 AM. The front door will remain open until 8:30 AM.  Any student arriving after 8:30 AM will be marked tardy. Please make every effort to have students use their assigned doors from 8:20 AM- 8:25 AM. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe. * Please do not park in the coned off area on Albany Ave.



Troop 40744 is requesting donations to create Birthday Boxes which are boxes containing Birthday Party supplies for people in need. These boxes will provide families with all that is needed to throw a Birthday Party for a loved one.  Please send in donations by 1/17/2020.


Cranford LAX Club: Clinic on 1/13/2020.  Please see attached.


Important Dates:

January 15, 2020: PTA Meeting at 3:00 PM

January 17, 2020: Spirit Day

January 20, 2020: School Closed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Cranford PASE

Save the date! We will welcome an SLP and an OT from our schools at our next meeting. They will provide information about the services provided by their disciplines and will answer parent questions.



Happy New Year!!!

Welcome back everyone, hope the winter break was awesome!
Please see below for some important information, reminders and resources.

Information:  School Opens on Thursday, January 2, 2020.  Please remember to order lunch online.

Outdoor Recess:  Please know that we will go outside for recess when the “real feel” temperature is 32 degrees and above.  Please have the students dress accordingly.

Reminders: Please adhere to the drop off procedures attached below.  It is important that students are being dropped off at the designated drop off zones. Doors are open from 8:20 AM to 8:25 AM. The front door will remain open until 8:30 AM. Any student arriving after 8:30 AM will be marked tardy. Please make every effort to have students use their assigned doors from 8:20 AM- 8:25 AM. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe.


Online Lunch Order- Pomptonian

BAS Website

School Scheduling Information

BAS Quick Tips

2019-2020 Cranford Public Schools Parent Academy Flyer

Happy New Year!


December Updates!

This week students enjoyed a spectacular Grade 2 Chorus Concert under the direction of Ms. McDonald and a special visit from OAS’ Band and Orchestra.  Also, all students participated in a bus evacuation drill today. Students did a great job getting on and off the bus. They were excellent listeners!



Grade 1 & 2 Report Cards: This year report cards will be emailed home on Wednesday, December 18th.  Email addresses will be pulled from PowerSchool. No paper copies of the report card will be sent home.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.


Media Center Specialist: We are very pleased to announce that Ms. Christine Petrucelli will be joining both OAS and BAS as the new Media Center Specialist.  She is certified in Elementary Education, English K-12, Mathematics 5-8, and Social Studies 5-8.  She also brings a background in both Technology and STEM to Cranford. We look forward to welcoming her in mid-January!


Single Session for AM/PM Kindergarten:  Please know that the district calendar will remain the same in regards to Single Session days.  **Kindergarten single sessions will alternate between AM & PM classes according to the following schedule: 10/14 (AM), 11/27 (PM), 12/20 (AM), 2/10 (PM), 3/30 (AM), 6/19 (PM), 6/22 (AM), 6/23 (PM)

However, when there is an unplanned single session due to situations like inclement weather, only AM Kindergarten students will report from 8:20 AM- 11:00AM.  These unplanned single sessions will not alternate.




Pomptonian Milk/Snack Order: Due December 19, 2019

The new milk session will open Monday, December 9th and close Thursday, December 19th. All orders will be placed online.  Please see attachment for more information and/or go to our website for the link.

Important Dates:

December 18, 2019: Report Cards for students in Grades 1 & 2 will be emailed home

December 20, 2019: Single Session FDK, Grades1&2, AM KDG ONLY


Thanksgiving Week Updates


Lunch in the Classroom: 
On Monday,  November 25th, students will be eating lunch in the classroom due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Please see attachment regarding allergies.

Single Session Wednesday, November 27, 2019:

Only PM Kindergarten Students will attend from 8:20AM – 11:00AM.  FDK, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will attend school from 8:20 AM- 12:20 PM.  The start time is not adjusted for the single session. Reminder, lunch is not served on single session days. 

Bloomingdale Avenue School



FDK/Grades 1 – 2

Monday – Friday

AM:  8:20 – 11:00

PM:  12:00 – 2:40

8:20 – 2:40

Single Session


8:20 – 11:00

8:20 – 12:20

Delayed Opening

AM:  9:40 – 11:40

PM:  12:40 – 2:40

9:40 – 2:40

In addition, BAS will be holding its annual Pep Rally on Wednesday, November 27th.  Please have your child wear their BAS shirts to school.

Pets on School Property: 

Please refrain from bringing your dog to the pick up/drop off line.  We have a number of students that are uncomfortable around animals and want to make sure that everyone is comfortable as they enter and exit the building. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Please submit-Governor’s Educator of the Year Recognition Program

The state of New Jersey would like to recognize educators who go above and beyond the call of duty to support our young children.  Please take a moment to nominate a special educator from BAS. Nominations can include the classroom teacher, special activity teacher, classroom assistants and special services like Speech.  In addition, it may be the school nurse, counselor and/or child study team member. Since the nominating process takes place in November, you may think back to your experiences last year and nominate that person as well.  If you have someone that you would like to nominate, please fill out the attached form and return it to the main office (or email it to me) by December 1, 2019.

Our teachers and staff are well deserving of this recognition.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

The Holiday Boutique is coming to BAS!  The gym will be transformed into a shop filled with gifts.  The children will visit the Boutique with their class to “shop” for their loved ones and enjoy the season of giving.  It is a very exciting event during the most wonderful time of the year!

In order for the Boutique to be successful we ask that parents follow the guidelines below:

  1. Click here to complete the participation form.
  2. Send in a cash donation of $3 per gift in an envelope labeled with “Holiday Boutique”, your child’s name, and teacher no later than  November 22nd, 2019.
  3. Please have your child buy gifts for immediate family/those in your household
  4. Please explain to your child they are shopping for a thoughtful gift for loved ones and not shopping for themselves.
  5. Please bring a tote or shopping bag the day of the Boutique to carry their purchases home.

Contact Claire Henderson at with any questions.

Important Dates:

November 27, 2019: Single Session (KPM only)

November 28 and 29, 2019: Schools Closed- Thanksgiving Recess


More November Updates

Lunch in the Classroom:

On Monday, November 18th and Monday,  November 25th, students will be eating lunch in the classroom due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Please see attachment regarding allergies.

Reminder: Please submit-Governor’s Educator of the Year Recognition Program

The state of New Jersey would like to recognize educators who go above and beyond the call of duty to support our young children.  Please take a moment to nominate a special educator from BAS. Nominations can include the classroom teacher, special activity teacher, classroom assistants and special services like Speech.  In addition, it may be the school nurse, counselor and/or child study team member. Since the nominating process takes place in November, you may think back to your experiences last year and nominate that person as well.  If you have someone that you would like to nominate, please fill out the attached form and return it to the main office (or email it to me) by December 1, 2019.

Our teachers and staff are well deserving of this recognition.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.


Important Dates:

November 27, 2019: Single Session (KPM only)

November 28 and 29, 2019: Schools Closed- Thanksgiving Recess



Please join us at our annual BAS STEAM Night on Thursday, November 14th. Please see information below.

STEAM Night – Thursday 11/14 – 6:00PM-7:45PM

BAS Students and a parent are invited to attend this fun and interactive event centered around Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Click here to RSVP.  Please contact for any questions and volunteer opportunities. *Please note, due to space constraints we are unable to accommodate siblings at this event.


November Updates!!

This Month At BAS – November 2019

Annual Candy Drive for the Troops – Friday 11/1 – Friday 11/8 🍭🍬
We want your leftover candy! Each year we collect leftover candy and send it to the troops and it is greatly appreciated. Just send it in and we’ll take care of the rest. It can either be in the original unopened candy bag or separate pieces put into a big Ziploc bag. Please contact Jessica Lee with any questions at
BAS/OAS Fall 5K & Fun Run – Sunday 11/3 🏃
The BAS/OAS Fall 5K and Fun Run is coming up soon!
Volunteers are still needed! There are many opportunities to help out – from pre-race day preparation, assisting on race morning with the food and activities, or helping out along the race course. Please click here to view the sign up genius. Please contact Teri Kandel with any questions
STEAM Night – Thursday 11/14 PM
BAS Students and a parent are invited to attend this fun and interactive event centered around Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. More information will be coming soon. *Please note, due to space constraints we are unable to accommodate siblings at this event.
Pretzel Sale & Spirit Day – Friday 11/15 🐾 🥨
Wear your BAS shirts today! Pretzels will be sold after school at each pick up door and on the playground for $1 each. Children attending aftercare will be able to purchase pretzels before they get on the bus. Students in the AM kindergarten classes will receive a form to send in money prior and the children will get their pretzels at dismissal.


Additional BAS Reminders

BAS 2020 Variety Show – Volunteers Needed 🎬🎶
This year’s variety show will be on March 27, 2020 at Cranford High School.  We are currently looking for parents to volunteer as directors for their child’s class in this year’s performance.  For more information on the variety show and director responsibilities, please see the attached flier.
This is a wonderful and important fundraiser for BAS, so please consider volunteering!  CLICK HERE to sign up with the online form to be a director today.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Catherine Venditti
Susan Burke
We look forward to working with you!

Weekly Reminders

Unity Day: Please join us on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 to celebrate Unity Day by wearing ORANGE to school.  Together against bullying. UNITED for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

Milk/Snack Orders: Orders for the Milk and Snack Program may now be done online, similar to lunch orders.  Please see attachment for more information. All orders must be placed for the next round of milk/snack by November 5, 2019.

Halloween Parade: Our annual Halloween parade will take place on October 31, 2019 at 2:15 PM. Please see attachment for more information.

BAS Quick Tips and Drop Off Procedures 19_20 (1)
Halloween Letter 19-20
Milk and Snack Program
Picture Day Ordering Instruction
Parent Academy Flyer 2019-2020



Picture Day Orders must be placed by 10/21

Just a reminder to order your pictures by Monday 10/21. Orders placed by 10/21 will be considered on time and delivered with the initial picture set. Orders can still be placed after 10/21, however these orders will be delivered later with the retakes.

To Order:

On Monday, October 14th:

1. Go to and click on “Order Photos”

2. Enter our school code, 557

3. Follow the site navigation

Note: You will be asked for a password. The password is your child’s Student ID number. The student ID can be found on the PowerSchool Parent Portal at If you do not see your child’s student ID please email Michael Mangini and he will assist you.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our PTA Picture Day Chairs, Erin Braxton ( or Allyson Konzelman (


BAS/OAS Fall 5k & Fun Run – Sunday 11/3

The BAS/OAS Fall 5K and Fun Run is coming up soon! This is our biggest event of the year and such a great family day. The last day to register to run is Sunday, October 20th. Click here to sign up!

Volunteers are still needed! There are many opportunities to help out – from pre-race day preparation, assisting on race morning with the food and activities, or helping out along the race course. Please click here to view the sign up genius. Please contact Teri Kandel with any questions


Bloomingdale Avenue School Weekly Blast

Monday, October 7th is World Day of Bullying Prevention: Let’s see if we can all wear the color blue on Monday, October 7th to show support for the anti-bullying movement. By wearing blue, we can be united in kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
This past Thursday we kicked off the Week of Respect and Bullying Prevention with an assembly titled Rising Above.  Students learned about how to be kind and inclusive. Next week, we will continue to celebrate the Week of Respect through additional classroom lessons.
Grade 1 and 2 After School Clubs:  Sign ups can be located on the BAS Website.  Sign ups will remain open until Wednesday, October 9th or until a club is full.  Once sign ups have closed, you will be notified of the specific dates you child will attend his/her club.
BAS/OAS Fall 5K and Fun Run November 3, 2019 at 8:00am
Join us for the 8th annual fun run and 5K and help to support our wonderful schools! There will be kids activities, snacks, COFFEE, prizes and more! Register by October 15th to guarantee a race t-shirt.
Register at: 
Building Bridges,
Building Bridges is a Cranford High School club that provides the opportunity for high school students to plan and implement activities that build relationships with younger students in the community. Please see attached for more information.


October 11, 2019- School Picture Day
October 14, 2019- Single Session
FDK, Grade 1 & 2 (8:20 AM -12:20 PM) and AM KDG ONLY(8:20 AM- 11:00 AM)
No lunch is served on Single Session Days.


Picture Day 2019 Flyer (2)

Building Bridges 2019

BAS Quick Tips and Drop Off Procedures 19_20


KidStuff Coupon Book

The BAS PTA KidStuff & SaveAround Coupon Book will end on Friday October 4. Thank you to all of the families who have already sent in payment or unwanted books.
Books are $25, payable by check to the BAS PTA, or by credit card, online at
If you have ordered a book in addition to the Central Jersey book that was sent home, your additional books will be sent home with your student over the next two weeks.
If you have ordered a book from a different county or state, but are not keeping the Central Jersey book, please send it back before Friday 10/4. Out of area books will not be ordered until unwanted Central Jersey books are returned.
Please return payment, or unwanted books, to your student’s teacher by Friday October 4. Contact Tricia Ulicki at with questions.

October at BAS

This Month At BAS – October 2019

Reminder – Backyard Bash – This Thursday 9/26 – 5:30-7:00 PM 📌

Come on over to the back fields behind the school for the party! There will be a food truck for anyone who would like to purchase dinner. In an effort to cut down on plastic water bottles we are asking that everyone bring their own reusable water bottle with them.

Picture Day – Friday 10/11 📷

Ordering will be done online. Additional information will be sent out separately.

General PTA Meeting – Wednesday 10/16 3:00 PM

Please join us for our first meeting of the school year. The meeting will take place in the BAS gym.

Pretzel Sale & Spirit Day – Friday 10/18 🐾 🥨

Wear your BAS shirts today! Pretzels will be sold after school at each pick up door and on the playground for $1 each. Children attending aftercare will be able to purchase pretzels before they get on the bus. Students in the AM kindergarten classes will receive a form to send in money prior and the children will get their pretzels at dismissal.

Trick or Trunk – Friday 10/25 – 6:00 PM 🎃🍬

Join us for our annual Trick or Trunk event! Come dressed in your costumes for a fun night of trick and treating and Halloween activities. This is a family event and siblings are welcome! Please see the attached flyer for additional details.

Candy for the event will be collected between Friday, October 11th through Thursday, October 24th. We kindly ask for one bag to be sent in to school with each child. The collected candy will be divided up and distributed to each family with a decorated car to hand out during the event.

Halloween Parade – Thursday 10/31 – 2:00 PM 👻

Our Halloween Parade is always a favorite event! Details will be sent out separately from Mrs. Murphy.

Additional BAS Reminders

KidStuff Book Sales

KidStuff Books have been distributed and will be on sale through 10/4. Books are $25, payable by check to the BAS PTA, or by credit card online by clicking here. Please return any unsold books to your child’s teacher. Contact Tricia Ulicki at with any questions.

BAS/OAS Fall 5K & Fun Run – Race Signup Open🏃

The BAS/OAS Fall 5K and Fun Run will take place Sunday, November 3rd. This is our biggest event of the year and such a great family day. Click here to sign up to run!

Volunteers are still needed! If you’re interested in volunteering, please email

Yearbook Pictures 📘

Please send us your pictures from any school events, parties, the playground, or any other activities throughout the year! Simply snap and send to  To help our yearbook chair, Courtney Baginski, please include the event, grade, teacher, and student name in the subject line, along with any other classmate information in the email. If sending directly from your phone, please select original resolution so we have the highest quality photos available.

Box Top Collection

This year the collection process has changed. Parents simply download the Box Tops app and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account. Please note, paper Box Tops will be accepted until January so please send in any that you’ve already collected!

Additional Community Reminders

Cranford Jaycees September Blood Drive – Saturday 9/28

Please see the attached flyer for details.

A Special Thank You to…..

Erin Egan – Kindergarten Tea with Mrs. Murphy Chair

Claire Henderson and Meredith Goldblatt- Pretzel Sale Chair

Megan Scanielo, Jessica Lee & Nikki Mulcahy – Backyard Bash Chairs

 A Look Ahead – November Save the Dates 

11/3 – BAS/OAS 5K

11/13 – Kindness Day and Cranford Family Cares Collection

11/14 – STEAM Night

11/15 – Pretzel Sale & Spirit Day


KINDNESS!!! and other updates…

This week Bloomingdale Avenue School will be celebrating “Start with Hello” week. The goal of “Start with Hello” is to encourage all of our students to practice kindness every day by making sure to include others and notice when friends or classmates are feeling lonely. This week the students will participate in different activities in the classroom that reinforce how to be kind to each other and make Bloomingdale Avenue School an even better place to come to every day.

Please see below for some important information, reminders and resources.



Attached to this email, you will find BAS’ Parent/Student Handbook.  Please refer to this resource if you have any procedural questions. The handbook will also be located on our school website.


Kindergarten Parents/Guardians:  Please remember that the single session days will alternate with AM Kindergarten attending one full session while the PM Kindergarten does not have school and then the next time there is a single session the PM Kindergarten will attend from 8:20 AM-11:00 AM and the AM Kindergarten does not have school.  Please see dates below.

10/14 (AM), 11/27 (PM), 12/20 (AM), 2/10 (PM), 3/30 (AM), 6/19 (PM), 6/22 (AM), 6/23 (PM)



September 25, 2019 – District Safety Presentation (CHS Auditorium at 6:30 PM)

September 26, 2019- PTA Backyard Bash from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

September 30, 2019 and October 1, 2019- Rosh Hashanah: School Closed


KidStuff & SaveAround Coupon Book UPDATE

The BAS PTA is once again selling the super valuable KidStuff & SaveAround Coupon Book. The book has a new look and tons of unique coupons good for use at local and nationwide retailers, restaurants, and destinations made for family fun. Purchasing the book is a win-win! You save money AND you help to raise money for our PTA to provide amazing student activities and school

Books are $25, payable by check to the BAS PTA, or by credit card, online at The BAS PTA will make 50% of sale profits! Check those backpacks, as a book, purchasing envelope, and informational flyer will be sent home with students between 9/18 and 9/19.

Our sale runs through Friday October 4th, but please return payment to your student’s teacher as soon as possible. Unwanted books may also be returned to your student’s teacher (with their name label still attached) as soon as possible. Families with more than one student in the SAME class, will only be receiving one book. Contact Tricia Ulicki at with questions.


Safety Presentation and Training

As part of the District’s commitment to provide safety updates, as well as an open forum for the community to have input into the District’s safety initiatives, this year’s annual safety meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30 pm in the Cranford High School Auditorium. This meeting will be presented in partnership with the Cranford Police Department, Cranford Fire Department, and Cranford’s Office of Emergency Management.

Additionally, as part of our strategic planning wellness initiative, Cranford Public Schools has been awarded a grant through Sandy Hook Promise, to provide information and training on a Signs of Suicide Prevention Program.  The training program for parents/guardians about the warning signs of youth suicide and how to intervene will be provided immediately following the District safety presentation. 

Safety is a shared responsibility; the District and our Public Safety Partners rely on stakeholder input to help inform safety and security measures for our schools. We greatly appreciate your partnership!

Scott Rubin

September Updates!

Welcome Back! We’re looking forward to a great year ahead with all of our new and returning families!

Back to School Night – Tuesday 9/10 🍎📝

Please see the attached schedule for Back to School Night. Also, please join us afterward for the Annual BAS Parent Social at Kilkenny’s. Everyone is already out and about so it is the perfect time to come and cheers to a new school year with everyone! Appetizers on us 🙂

Welcome Back After School Playdate, Pretzel Sale & Spirit Day – Friday 9/20 🐾 🥨

Wear your BAS shirts today! New students: your BAS shirts are on the way so feel free to wear a BAS hand-me-down shirt if you have one or a Cranford shirt with the same colors to join in the spirit. Pretzels will be sold after school at each pick up door and on the playground for $1 each. Children attending aftercare will be able to purchase pretzels before they get on the bus. Students in the AM kindergarten classes will receive a form to send in money prior and the children will get their pretzels at dismissal.

Backyard Bash – Thursday 9/26 – 5:30-7:00 PM 🎉🎈

Come on over to the back fields behind the school for the party! There will be all sorts of inflatables and music. We will also have a food truck there for anyone who wants to buy dinner. It is always a great time to catch up with everyone. Look for the flyer coming home next week! Also, to cut down on plastic water bottles we are asking that everyone bring their own to go water.


Additional BAS Reminders

Yearbook Pictures 📘

Please send us your pictures from the first day of school and any school events, parties, the playground, or other activities throughout the year! Simply snap and send to  To help our yearbook chair, Courtney Baginski, please include the event, grade, teacher, and student name in the subject line, along with any other classmate information in the email. If sending directly from your phone, please select original resolution so we have the highest quality photos available.

KidStuff Book Sales 

KidStuff Book sales will start on 9/19 and run through 10/4. Books will be distributed to each classroom soon along with additional details on the sale.

Box Top Collection

This year the process has changed. Parents simply snap a picture of the grocery store receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account. Stay tuned for the super easy directions!

Additional Community Reminders

Jersey Gators Swim Team Tryouts 

Tryouts for the Jersey Gators swim team are being held this week at the Centennial Avenue Pool. Tryouts will be held at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, September 10th for ages 10 and over and at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, September 11th for ages 9 and under. Check in at the back of the pool when you arrive. Come on out and give it a try!

📅 A Look Ahead – October Save the Dates 📅

10/11 – Picture Day

10/16 – General PTA Meeting – 3:00 PM

10/18 – Pretzel Sale & Spirit Day

10/25 – Trick or Trunk – 6:00 PM

10/31 – Halloween Parade – 2:00 PM



WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!!! Some important info below – see you all on September 5!


School Scheduling Information (1) Aug 2019 – Annual HIB letter from Dr Rubin (4) 5512 – Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Visitor Entry Protocols 6142.10 Internet Safety and Technology Emergency Procedures


BAS Field Day Is Here!!!

BAS Field Day: Field Day will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd.  (Rain Date is May 29th). Please have your child wear a BAS shirt and sneakers. Also, please put sunblock on your child prior to coming to school. All events take place on the field behind the school.  All families are invited to attend.
9:00 – 11:00 am


12:40 – 2:40 pm
May 22, 2019- Field Day
May 24, 2019- School Closed
May 27, 2019- School Closed- Memorial Day