June General Meeting Minutes and PTA board election



BAS PTA General Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
President Report (Benee Meade)
  •       2023-2024 Board Election 
  •       Nominated Board for the 2023-2024 School Year
o   President: Lauren Moyle
o   Vice President: Stephanie Concannon
o   Treasurer: Darshna Kuray
o   Recording Secretary: Catherine Venditti
o   Corresponding Secretary: Jen Jurkovich
o   Class Parent Liaison: Kate Ryan
o   Email Blast Specialist: Chris Delre
o   Members at Large: Courtney Byrne and Amanda Byrnes
  • We are adding a second member at large to help with the numerous events that take place at BAS during the course of the year
  • The vote has passed and the new board is approved
  • Thank you to Benee Meade (outgoing president) and Nikki Mulchay (outgoing vice president)  for their time spent on the board and all they have done for BAS
Public comments and questions







May General Meeting Minutes


BAS PTA General Meeting Agenda
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 7PM
Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
Principal Report (Ms. D’Anna)
  • Thank you for a great year, nice return to normal, bringing back assemblies
  • Game show email was fantastic
  • Big thank you for teacher appreciation week
President Report (Benee Meade)
  •  Chair Acknowledgements and Thank Yous
o   Meredith Goldblatt for the March and April Pretzel Sales 
  • Sales have exceeded our expectations
  • Need a new chair for next year
o   Susan Burke and Catherine Venditti for an INCREDIBLE Variety Show (Catherine to elaborate)
o   Nikki Mulcahy for executing Art Night and the numerous volunteers who helped install the self portrait tiles the following day 
  • Tiles will stay until the end of the year. They are located outside the main office
o   Jen Jurcovich for coordinating the Brainwash Assembly sponsored by the PTA 
o   Darshna Kuray for organizing our second annual 50/50 Raffle 
o   Darshna again and Amanda Byrnes for coordinating Teacher’s Appreciation Week this year and to all of the volunteers who donated resources to make it a huge success and very well received by the teachers and support staff 
  • Fantastic job with the theme
  • Received many notes thanking the PTA
  • Darshna and Amanda will return as chairs next year  
o   Andrea Westervelt for coordinating tomorrow’s Relay for Life
o   Next week we have our annual Field Day, thank you to Steph Concannon and Natalie Aurigema for taking over as co-chairs this year- it sounds like a really fun day!
o   Natalie and Candra Morris for co-charing this year’s Backyard Bash
o   Courtney Baginski for coordinating, creating and facilitating our yearbooks.  
o   Thank you in advance to the grade parent volunteers who will be putting together our end of the year celebrations as we close out the year
o   All of the Class Parents who have dedicated their time and creativity to the  class parties, teacher gifts and other awesome take home crafts throughout the year
o   Everyone in our community who volunteered in some capacity this year.  
o   Thank you to our amazing board members.  
o   Ms. D’Anna, Mrs. Hardman, and Mrs McNeill  
  •       Upcoming Events
o   Field Day (May 25), Backyard Bash (June 2) 
-MANY volunteer opportunities have circulated for both events via email
o   Second grade Walkover to OAS (June 1) 
o   Second grade celebration (June 9) 
o   Kindergarten Celebrations have been confirmed (June 14, 15, 16) 
o   Potential end of the year Book Swap
  • Late in June, can take home 3-4 books
  •       Your PTA Dollars at work/Upcoming Initiatives
o   Field Trip support
  • Busses 1st grade zoo/2nd grade NJPAC   
o   Pennants and Pins
  • Kindergarten students get pennant
  • K and 2nd get pins
o   OAS Tshirts for outgoing 2rd graders
o   Yearbooks for the second graders
  •       2023-24 Board
o   A nominating committee has been formed to secure board positions that are being vacated at the end of the school year. We are looking to fill the President and Vice President roles, each for a 2-year terms beginning in the fall. Reach out to Courtney Byrne with inquiries at
  • Must be a member of the pta to hold office and have paid their dues
  • Ideally someone who has 2 or more years left at the school
o   Special vote to be held prior to the last day of school
  • 3 emergency days back May 26 and May 30 and June 6
  •       Stay Connected
o   How to stay up to date?  Website (, Monthly email blasts, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind
  • send text to @basptak, @baspta1st, or @baspta2nd to 81010)
Class Parent Liaison Report (Kate Ryan)
  • Class parents have had a busy few weeks as they coordinated spring parties, gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week, and Mother’s Day crafts
  •  Father’s Day gifts will be later in June 
  • Class parents have been so thoughtful and sensitive as they accommodate any special family circumstances and coordinate with their teachers to make sure each child is included for these two holidays
  • First grade class parents will plan year-end parties for their classes. Each class has a $50 budget to make the celebration special
Thanks to all 24 wonderful class parents who have all been a pleasure to work with this year!  
Treasurer Report (Darshna Kuray)
  • BAS PTA account balance was $30,622.27
  • Lots of events at the end of the year that will use up the balance, but we will have a nice cushion for next year
  • 50/50 Raffle was very successful again this year. 
  • Raised a total of $3,690 and 50% of this will be distributed to our 3 winning families in the next couple of days.
  • Reimbursements form can be found on the BAS PTA website under Treasurer Forms -all reimbursement forms to be submitted by the last day of school (6/22).
VP Report (Nikki Savino Mulcahy)
  • We are currently planning many great spring activities.
  • Field Day Chairs ( Tina Bondar, Natalie Aurigema and Stephanie Concannon)
 are working hard to create a wonderful day of physical activities for our students  
  • Backyard Bash will be June 2nd
  • great way to end the school year 
  • Candra Morris and Natalie Aurigema are our chairs for this event. 
  • 2nd Grade Parent Chairs for both the end of the year (Allyson Konzelman & Megan Scanielo) and walk up (Tonia O’Connor & Nikki Savino Mulcahy) are planning wonderful celebrations to honor our 2nd graders who will be moving on from BAS and going up to OAS next school year. 
Recording Secretary Report (Catherine Venditti)
  • Variety show was a huge success! 
  • Fundraising exceeded expectations by raising roughly $10,400 which will be incredibly helpful for the BAS community
  • Thank everyone who was involved and helped the show come together
  • Paperwork has been submitted to the BOE office to secure next year’s date (mid March 2024) and we are waiting for confirmation from the high school
  • Next year is our last year chairing. You can reach out to Catherine: or Susan:  if you’re interested or have questions
  • It would be helpful for the new chairs to shadow us starting in January/February 
Corresponding Secretary Report (Jennifer Jurkowich)
  • Baby gifts for Mrs. Biggiani and Mrs. Ruzkowski
  • Flowers for secretary, principal and nurses day
Email Blaster Report (Chris DelRe)
Member at Large Report (Courtney Byrne)
Public comments and questions
Benee Meade
Jen Jurkowich
Chris DelRe
Darshna Kuray
Catherine Venditti
Dana Cascone
Kristen D’Anna
Samantha Wilks
Allyson Konzelman
Lisa Bracigliano
Courtney Byrne
Stephanie Concannon
Tara McGrath








BAS PTA March General Meeting Minutes

BAS PTA General Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 7PM
Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
Principal Report (Ms. D’Anna)
  • Big thank you to the PTA for all of the school events: 
    • Winter Wonderland was amazing, students had so much fun and are still wearing their hats 
    • Book Fair was fantastic along with spirit week for Read Across America and Laura Sassi visiting to be a guest reader 
    • The children really enjoyed the Star Lab 
President Report (Benee Meade)
  • Chair Acknowledgements and Thank Yous:
    • Meredith Goldblatt for the January and February Pretzel Sales. Next sale is March 17th
    • Courtney Byrne and the many parents who gave their time and donations to the Winter Wonderland Social. The turnout was incredible!
    • BAS Community for showing up BIG with the Snow hat order
      • 98 hats sold
      • over $400 dollars was made to support the school
    • Megan Scanielo for an awesome Skate Night 
    • Claire Cooper and Kate Ryan for the Book Fair
      • The kids had an amazing time
      • Almost $7,000 worth of books were sold
    • Courtney Byrne for coordinating the Laura Sassi Assembly. The kids were so engaged. 
      • We are working towards bringing in more authors since the kids were so receptive
    • Erin Egan for the PJ/Book Drive to benefit CASA
  • Upcoming Events
    • Art Night (April), Field Day (May) and Backyard Bash (June)
      • Stay tuned for MANY volunteer opportunities
  • Your PTA Dollars at work/Upcoming Initiatives
    • Library Refresh
      • PTA fulfilled up to $50 per class based off of Amazon Wishlists 
      • 71 new books will be given out to the classes by Friday
    • Field Trip support 
      • PTA will fund the buses for a trip to Turtle Back Zoo for 1st grade and NJPAC for 2nd grade 
    • Cranford pennants and pins will be provided by PTA for kindergarten students as well as new 1st or 2nd grade students
  • 2023-24 Board
    • Vacant spots will be available and we will discuss them at the next meeting
    • Vote for new board members happens at the end of the year
  • AmazonSmile raised $105 before the program was discontinued 
  • Stay Connected
    • How to stay up to date?  Website (, Monthly email blasts, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind
      • send text to @basptak, @baspta1st, or @baspta2nd to 81010)
Class Parent Liaison Report (Kate Ryan)
  • Class parents are doing a great job. For the rest of the year they are preparing for:
    • St. Patrick’s Day parties
    • Teacher Appreciation Week 
    • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day crafts
    • End of Year parties for kindergarten and 2nd grade are run by separate committees
Treasurer Report (Darshna Kuray)
  • Bank Balance as of 2/28/23 is $25,650.91 less $6,308.87 for OAS 5K 50%.  
Fundraising Events
Total Revenue
Staff Services
Student Services
Fundraising Events
Total Expenses
50/50 Raffle Update- coordinating with the township clerk for all approvals. Goal is to send home the raffle booklets at the end of March/beginning of April and hold the raffle after Spring Break.  Details will be sent via email.
VP Report (Nikki Savino Mulcahy)
  • Variety Show- March 29th- looking forward to an amazing show. Thank you again to our hard working class parents for organizing and running the rehearsals as well as our Variety Show chairs Susan Burke and Catherine Venditti for all your hard work.
  • April events (waiting on confirmation of dates)
    • Art night 
    • Arbor Day festivities
May Events
  • Teacher Appreciation week is being chaired by Amanda Padilla-Byrnes & Darshna Kuray 
  • Field Day chaired by Tina Bondar, Natalie Aurigema, Stephanie Concannon 
  • Relay for Life activities- Andrea Westervelt will be chairing.
June Events
  • Kindergarten End of the Year celebration will be chaired by Tara McGrath.  
  • 2nd Grade Moving Up Ceremony will be co-chaired by Megan Scanielo and Allyson Konzelman.  
  • 2nd Grade Walk-up will be co-chaired by myself and Tonia O’Connor, the Backyard Bash will help us kick off summer and that will be co-chaired by Natalie Aurigema, Candra Morris.
A spreadsheet will be filled out at the end of events and passed onto new chairs for the following year
Corresponding Secretary Report (Jennifer Jurkowich)
  • Planning another assembly- probably a game show assembly with curriculum and pop culture questions
Recording Secretary Report (Catherine Venditti)
  • Variety Show Update
    • BAS community supported this fundraiser in a big way by surpassing the number of parent ads from last year. Business ads were also strong this year
    • We’re looking forward to a wonderful dress rehearsal on Tuesday March 28th and show night on Wednesday March 29th
Public comments and questions
Benee Meade
Kate Ryan
Catherine Venditti
Chris DelRe
Kristen D’Anna
Dana Cascone
Darshna Kuray
Lauren King
Manoly Reynolds
Samantha Wilks
Stephanie Concannon
Lisa Bracigliano
Kemba Latchman
Michelle Goworek


January General Meeting Minutes

BAS PTA General Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 11, 2022, 7PM

Google Meet Link


Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance


Principal Report (Ms. D’Anna)

  • Thanked PTA for all that they did for the staff and school and the school as a whole for being so involved
  • Variety show is off to a great start, kids are doing well. Everyone is enjoying seeing the kids in the morning


President Report (Benee Meade)

  • Chair Acknowledgements and Thank Yous
    • Stephanie Concannon for a successful Spiritwear Sale
      • profit of $192.00
    • Darshna Kuray and her OAS Counterparts for Trunk or Treat
    • Allyson Konzelman for collecting Candy for the Troops 
    • Mary Novik, Jennifer Arianas for arranging our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for Cranford Family Care
    • Jen Jurkowich, Stephanie Kanaval, Tara McGrath, Tonia O’Connor, Lindsay Montana, and Merin Rose for Chairing and supporting this year’s STEAM Night
    • Mona Patterson for the Holiday Boutique
    • Meredith Goldblatt for the November and December Pretzel Sales
    • Chris DelRe for organizing our Annual Toy Drive to support the Lafayette School in Newark
    • Jen Jurkowich for arranging a winter staff appreciation 
    • Shout out/Thank you to all of the Kindergarten classes and class parents for the Coin war
      • raised $679.75 for Cranford Family Care 
      • Ms. Arana’s class won!
  • Your PTA Dollars at work/Upcoming Initiatives
    • Staff T-shirt refresh, Thank you Chris DelRe
    • Mini Grant fulfillment 
      • Science and Math for 2nd grade spearheaded by Mrs. Oricchio
      • enrichment for full day kindergarten by Mrs. Ruskowzki
    • Souperhero Stroll 
      • weekend of 1/14 and 1/15 
      • BAS has sponsored the Wasp balloon outside of Breadsmith this year
    • Library refresh for all of the classrooms
      • We will be updating some of the class libraries/books that come home with the kids
      • book presentation during Dr Seuss Week
    • Assemblies through the rest of the year
      • goal is one new assembly a month
      •  Jen Jurkowich will be coordinating assemblies for the school
      • Looking for local authors to come in and read for an assembly
        • Bridget Young?
  • Parent Academy- Please take note of these frequently occurring events, funded by the PTA
    • information on dates will always be posted in the PTA blast and Principal’s blast
  • 100th Day of School (2/13)
  • Winter Wonderland Social and Fundraiser on February 10 (snow date February 15)
    • Hot cocoa bar
    • Selfie station
    • Winter hats that say BAS will be available for pre-purchase ($12)
    • Sign up genius will be going out. Lots of parent volunteers will be needed for this event!
  • AmazonSmile update
    • .5% of sales will go to BAS
  • Stay Connected
    • How to stay up to date?  Website (, Monthly email blasts, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind
      • send text to @basptak, @baspta1st, or @baspta2nd to 81010)


Class Parent Liaison Report (Kate Ryan)

  • Fall parties and Thanksgiving service projects successful
    • Food has been allowed back for school parties
  • Class parents contributed funds for support staff holiday gifts
    • $980 total
  • Looking forward to Valentines and St. Patrick’s Day parties
  • Class parents will receive PTA funds for Mothers Day and Fathers Day crafts, will take on the planning for their own class


Treasurer Report (Darshna Kuray)

  • 12/31 Ending Balance is $27,132.18


Budgeted Actual (as of 12/31) Difference to date
Membership/Donations $3,700.00 $3,547.00 -$153.00
BAS/OAS 5k Sponsorship $15,000.00 $10,000.00 -$5,000.00
BAS/OAS 5k Race Registration $6,500.00 $7,972.54 $1,472.54
Holiday Boutique $2,000.00 $2,537.35 $537.35


  • We came up a little short with what was anticipated to be made from the 5k, hoping to make it up with the variety show later this year
  • There are lots of upcoming expenses during the second half of the year, hoping to offset these with some upcoming fundraisers


VP Report (Nikki Savino Mulcahy)

  • Variety Show- Our Variety Show practices started this week and we are excited for a wONEderful show from all of our students. We are so grateful for such dedicated Chairs- Susan and Catherine as well as all of the Class Directors who are making this show happen.
  • Megan Scanielo is in the process of planning a BAS Skate night. Once we have a date and more information we will be sharing that out to everyone.
  • Art Night will be a little later this year (likely April)  We are collaborating with Mrs. Paone to make the experience fantastic for the children. We are still looking for 2 chairs for Art Night. If you are interested please reach out to me.
  • Erin Egan will be chairing the PJ & Books collection to coincide with this year’s Dr. Suess Day festivities and the Book Fair. We will be sharing out information on this which will be taking place at the end of February.
  • Kate Ryan and Claire Cooper are heading up the Book Fair for us once again.  We know how much children love book shopping! This will be a great event to kick off March.
  • Amanda Padilla-Byrnes and Darshna Kuray will be charing our Teacher Appreciation week this year.  
  • Chairs Needed
    • We still need 2 Art Night Chairs
    • 1 Additional Chair for Field Day


Corresponding Secretary Report (Jennifer Jurkowich)

  • Bought support staff Downtown Cranford gift cards for the holidays
  • Set up a hot chocolate bar for the staff
  • Gave a couple baby and engagement presents


Recording Secretary Report (Catherine Venditti)

  • Variety show rehearsals began this week, they are off to a great start
  • Work at the high school auditorium is complete, show will be at the high school this year!
  • With the show at the high school, we are able to offer more tickets per family
  • Another way to support the show is by putting in a program ad – more info to come closer to March


Public comments and questions

  • Question about the roles that event chairs take on. Each event requires a different level of involvement. PTA is always available to provide further information on each event
  • If someone has an Amazon smile account  that they have been using for years, will they need to relink it in order for BAS to be collecting the money? Benee to look into whether or not we have outstanding funds from previous years





Benee Meade

Nikki Mulcahy

Kate Ryan

Darshna Kuray

Catherine Venditti

Kaetlin Morgan

Lisa Bracigliano

Tess Giardini

Jen Jurkowich

Samantha Wilks

Erin Mannix

Kristin D’Anna

Manoly Reynolds

Mary Novik

Stephanie Menashe

Jen Arianas

Merin Rose

Vanessa Pirillo


October General Meeting Minutes

BAS PTA General Meeting 
Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 7PM
Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, New Board Introductions 
Benee Meade, President 
Nikki Savino Mulcahy, Vice President
Darshna Kuray, Treasurer
Catherine Venditti, Recording Secretary
Jennifer Jurkowich, Corresponding Secretary
Kate Ryan, Class Parent Liaison
Christine DelRe, Email Blast Coordinator
Courtney Byrne, Member-at-Large
Principal Report (Ms. D’Anna)
  • Thanks the PTA for kicking off the new school year on a great note
  • 5K was successful and kids are still talking about how fun the race was 
  • The school is looking forward to the upcoming events. Everyone is happy to have these events/trips/assemblies in place for the kids this year
  • Information will be forthcoming about Halloween parade
  • Cranford Fire Department made a successful visit 
President Report (Benee Meade)
  • Standing Rules Vote 
  • Join the PTA
    • We are hoping for 100% participation this year. If you’re a class parent or volunteer for any events you must be a PTA member
  • Volunteer Database
    • This is an ongoing list of parents who are available to be a backup volunteer for different events. No one is locked into anything. It’s a great way to get involved for first time volunteers
  • Chair Acknowledgements and Thank Yous
    •  School Supply Kits- Meredith Goldblatt and many volunteers who helped assemble the kits prior to the first day of school
    • First Day of School Outside Décor- Courtney Byrne
    • Mr. Mark Retirement Clap Out- Front Office Staff, Teachers and Jen Jurkowich for coordinating a gift from the families as a send off
    • Staff Welcome Back- Jen Jurkowich for setting up a first day back coffee bar for the staff along with organizing small teacher gifts to help kick off the year
    •  Staff Appreciation/Gifting- Jen again for sending flowers for Ms. Morreale’s engagement and treating our custodians to coffee for custodian appreciation day
    • Picture day- Allyson Konzelman and her team of volunteers 
    • Walk and Roll to School Day- Nikki Savino Mulcahy
    • Outdoor Beautification- Kate Ryan who planted fall flowers around the building      
    • Chris DelRe for designing, coordinating and distributing new BAS Shirts for our incoming kindergarteners, and new students and staff
    • Pretzel Day Sale- Meredith Goldblatt 
      • If anyone is interested in being the AM Kindergarten chair, please reach out to the PTA
    • 5K- Meaghan Bottino and Brian Hart for all they have done to organize the race thus far.  Meagan Cuthbertson for being our sponsorship guru and securing so many wonderful local businesses to participate this year. Our OAS counterparts for a wonderful partnership, and the countless volunteers who gave their time to help ensure the event was successful
    • Stephanie Concannon for running our BAS Spiritwear Sale
    • This Friday is the BAS Pumpkin Patch 
      • Chairs are Courtney Byrne, Stephanie Concannon, Allyson Konzelman, and Madhavi Takionka
  • Your PTA Dollars at work/Upcoming Initiatives
    • Indoor Recess Kit Refresh
      • These are used on days with inclement weather and when the temperature dips below 32 degrees. These bins provide the kids with many options for fun activities
    • Clubs (Art, Environmental, + Coding for our 2nd graders, and Coding for our 1st graders)
    • Classroom Library Refresh
      • We are working on acquiring new books and replacing books that are old and worn out
    • Field Trips- PTA Helps funds these educational experiences for each grade 
    • Additional fundraisers/Assemblies
      • If anyone has any ideas we would love to hear them. BAS is a community and we want everyone to feel involved
  • Stay Connected
    • We are live on Instagram!
    • How to stay up to date?  Website (, Monthly email blasts, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind
      • send text to @basptak, @baspta1st, or @baspta2nd to 81010)
  • Parent Academy- Please take note of these frequently occurring events, funded by the PTA. The first event of the year was last week, but stay up to date on future events by checking out our blasts, BAS weekly blasts, and on our website
  • Pomptonian Lunch updates
    • Pizzeria pizza is back
    • New warmers are coming to help keep hot food hot
    • Better cooling systems for transporting food are in progress
Treasurer Report (Darshna Kuray)
  • Opening balance for 22-23 school year is $13,806.31
  • Proposed 2022-23 budget is projected to have surplus income of approx $5.5K by end of year.
  • We have paid our dues to National and renewed our AIM Insurance this month.
  • As of today, we have taken in $1,600 in membership dues and $2,225 in donations. This equates to 160 memberships.
  • We are anticipating raising $43,800 in change for overall fundraising this year
  • If we stick to our budget this year we expect to have a surplus of $5,365 at the end of the year
  • Budget has passed for the 2022-2023 school year
Class Parent Liaison Report (Kate Ryan)
  • All class parent spots have been filled.  24 volunteers were chosen from a hat this year to maintain fairness
  • Next year we would like to put the class parent form in a separate email in the hopes that we get even more volunteers
  • 6 parties this year (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Holiday, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, End of Year) 
  • No food for Halloween or Thanksgiving parties
  • Thanksgiving event is a service project 
  • Ms. D’Anna confirms 2 additional parent volunteers ok for each party and she would like to keep it fair over the course of the year so that everyone gets a chance to come in and volunteer
    • Kate will pass this information along ASAP so class parents can source volunteers for the upcoming parties
    • This year Mrs. Orrichio’s class parents have sent an email asking for parents who are interested in volunteering for parties and they will pick from a hat during the year instead of relying on the first come/first serve sign up genius. This gives anyone who wants to volunteer a chance to do so
VP Report (Nikki Savino Mulcahy)
  • We are looking forward to a great and festive October with the BAS/OAS Trunk or Treat thanks to the collaborative efforts of Darshna Kuray and her OAS counterpart- Ginny Colarusso. We have bins in BAS for candy collection this week, we would love to have as many donations as possible. 
    • Students are available to help replenish candy for all of the trunks so that the parents can stay at their station for the duration of the event
    • We are in need of so much more candy this year. Please donate if you can!
  • Stephanie Concannon launched BAS apparel sale last week.  There are a great variety of items and options for families to show their BAS pride!
  • Allison Konzelman will be chairing the post-Halloween Candy Drive for the Troops! There will be bins in BAS for the week following Halloween to collect any candy donations.
  • Still to come is the BAS Pumpkin Patch which will be taking place this Friday.
  • We will be having a collection in early November for Cranford Family Cares Collection so please look for more details coming your way 
    • Jen Arianas and Mary Novick are chairing this event 
  • Save the date for STEAM Night on November 17th, Jen Jurkowich has some truly spectacular activities in store!
    • Assembly for the first half of the night and a project for the second half of the night
    • Theme for the evening is Pirates
  • Thank you to Meghan Bottino and Brian Hart who were the BAS Chair for the 5K and worked with an outstanding Committee for a fantastic event this past weekend.  
 Corresponding Secretary Report (Jennifer Jurkowich)
  • Celebrate and thank staff throughout the year. (Weddings, babies, retirements, as well as special days throughout the year)
  • Helped kick off the school year by bringing in coffee to “fuel” the first day
  • Teachers received Amazon gift cards, pens, and notepads 
  • Office staff received flowers
  • Custodians received coffee and pastries for Custodian Day.
Recording Secretary Report (Catherine Venditti)
  • BAS PTA website event calendar is updated through January
  • Meeting minutes will be posted to the feed on main page after meeting adjourns for any parent to access
  • Variety Show update: 
    • Co-chairs Catherine Venditti and Susan Burke had a productive meeting with Ms. D’Anna bringing her up to speed on what the variety show entails
    • Darshna has confirmed PTA assistance of $75 dollars per class to help with costume/prop costs
    • Director volunteer form will go out at the end of October/beginning of November. We hope to finalize all parent volunteers by the end of November
    • Student participation form will go out at the end of November/beginning of December. We are hoping for close to 100% participation this year!
    • Rehearsals are slated to begin the week of January 9th
    • Dress rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, March 28th and the show will take place on Wednesday, March 29th at CHS.
 Email Blast Coordinator Report (Chris DelRe)
  • Working on archiving the newsletters after they are sent out so they are in one central place on the website to make looking up information easier. Stay tuned!
  • Check in different folders of your email for the newsletters if you’re not getting the newsletters in your primary inbox
  • Chris is working on getting all staff a new BAS shirt for the year
Kristen D’Anna
Benee Meade
Catherine Venditti
Kate Ryan
Darshna Kuray
Jen Jurkowich
Chris DelRe
Courtney Byrne
Dana Cascone
Vanessa Azevedo
Lauren King
Manoly Reynolds
Tara McGrath
Katelin Morgan
Allyson Konzelman
Lisa Bracigliano
Merin Rose
Samantha Wilks
Stephanie Concannon
Jessica Satterlee
Nicole McDermott
Laura LeFave


Bloomingdale Avenue School PTA Membership 2022-2023 

Please join the PTA today and submit all dues and donations online through the Member Hub website.  100% of donations above the $10 Individual Membership fee goes directly to Bloomingdale Avenue School. 
Joining the PTA has never been easier! 
– Visit
– Click on membership choice and/or donation type 
– View cart 
– Submit contact and payment information and you’re all set! 
Any questions please reach out to Darshna Kuray directly at We  truly appreciate your support and generosity, we couldn’t accomplish all we do without you! 
The BAS PTA Board 


Why join the PTA? To support our children, teachers, and staff and enhance the classroom experience at Bloomingdale Avenue School! 

Here are just a few examples of your PTA dollars at work: 

  • Assemblies 
  • After School Clubs 
  • Class Celebrations (including Mother’s + Father’s Day gifts and end of year/moving up) ● Book Fair 
  • Art Night 
  • STEAM Night 
  • Field Day 
  • Backyard Bash 
  • Yearbooks and OAS Spiritwear – 2nd grade 
  • BAS Spiritwear for all Kindergartners, new students, and new faculty 
  • Teacher Mini Grants (additional supplies, technology memberships, etc) 
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation and Celebrations 

Beautification of Bloomingdale Avenue School, both inside and out: 

  • Flowers and plants around school property (Annually)
  • Library Update/Refurbishment (2021)
  • New Playground Border and Mulch (2019)
  • Reading Garden (2018)
  • New Bike Rack (2018)
  • New School Sign (2017) 

There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved throughout the year, but the #1 thing you can do to support our students and our school is to join the PTA!!



January 2022 PTA Meeting Minutes

General PTA Meeting Minutes 1/12/21, 7pm


Welcome, Pledge

Mrs. Murphy Updates:

Updates to in person events/class parents/guest readers/other visitors at least in short term

aligning w updated District Policy.

  • Taking a pause for the next few weeks allowing visitors into the school and will re-evaluate
  • We will be notified by the superintendent if and when there is a change.


  • Revolving lunch schedule includes 3 days/week in the classroom and 2 days in the cafeteria
  • Extra time to eat in the cafeteria
  • On classroom days, if students don’t have enough time to finish before the next group eats, students are encouraged to ask lunch aides to move their seat to a spot where they can finish while still socially distanced
  • Intention is to still go outside for recess as much as possible through the winter months

Variety Show

  • Pause to the Variety Show (rescheduled for May 25) because it increased the number of outside people in the school
  • Rehearsals will begin at the end of March
  • Class directors to update their classes accordingly


Thank you’s: Benee – Hot Chocolate Bar and Support Staff Gifts

Thank you to all our teachers for their work transitioning quickly to virtual

Provided in door recess kits for every class, additional items will be purchased

Sponsoring balloon again for Souper Hero Stroll – taking place Jan 22 & Jan 23 location TBC

Mrs. Murphy will follow up with all teachers regarding the Teacher Mini Grant Requests (mini grants allow teachers to request smaller items for use in the classroom.  Items are fulfilled by the PTA


Upcoming Events

  • Jan Pretzel Sales- cancelled due to current restrictions
  • Feb Events
    • Pretzel sales: TBD
    • Skate Night: Canceled, no opportunity to postpone as ice skating rinks close early March for the season
    • discuss potentially adding in Ice Cream Social once weather is warmer and hopefully restrictions loosen.
    • Art Night – follow up next week with Heather Rosen (Art Night chair) as to when she would be ready to go. Do we want to do “At Home” kits end of Feb/Early March or do we want to postpone to later spring (and hope we can once again do in person?) Will need additional volunteers once we have plan; Gallery walk (coordinated by/with Mrs. Paone will be postponed to March or later)
  • March Events
    • CASA PJ & Book Collection: Will proceed as planned week of March 1st
    • Book Fair: Touchbase w Claire & Kate (co-chairs); Hoping to be in person, might have to move to the gym


  • Budget: $13,276.32 in the account.  Final numbers for BAS for 5K were $8,579.47 (Same amount for OAS).
  • We made $1,634.47 on holiday boutique
  • 50/50 Raffle Update: All tickets distributed.  Extending return date to 1/19 for payment and ticket stubs.
    • Return payment and stubs to school or drop in bin at Claire’s home
    • Winners will be announced live on the BAS PTA Facebook page at 9am on 1/21


  • Thank you for school nurse (lunch or gift card for lunch)
  • Lunch gift cards were gifted to everyone who helped with the 5K


  • Grade Parents
    • Seeking at least one volunteer per grade
    • Need volunteers set by end of January
    • Grade volunteers to begin brainstorming for Mothers Day & Fathers Day crafts (come up with ideas to send to Mrs. Murphy/teachers for feedback by end of Feb/early March, have time to order supplies and deliver to school by mid April).
    • Confirmed grade volunteer for Kindergarten (Courtney Byrne) and First Grade (Benee Meade) during the meeting


  • Website will be updated asap with dates of new activities, postponed and cancelled events reflected

BAS/OAS Trunk or Treat 2021

On Friday, October 29 from 6-8pm

Bloomingdale Avenue School and Orange Avenue Elementary School will celebrate our


in the parking lot at Orange Avenue School

BAS parents: please sign up to take part in this ‘spooktacular’ evening by volunteering to decorate a trunk, or just by lending a hand. Let’s make this Halloween celebration a ‘howling’ success for our kids!
Each school will have 20 parking spots available for decorative trunks. The spots are first come first serve and will fill up quickly-so sign up today!
Please note: In an effort to minimize large crowds, BAS students will “trick or treat” from 6-7pm and OAS Elementary students will have the 7-8pm time slot. Cars with decorated trunks will be expected to stay for the duration of the event- both time slots.  If you have students at both schools, we ask that you kindly choose a trick or treat window.
**We are kindly asking for a LARGE amount of candy donations this year from our BAS families!!  Please send in bags of candy with students starting Wednesday, October 20th.  This will ensure we have enough candy and trinkets to hand out to all participating students during the event.
**Additionally, We are asking for volunteers to help provide non-candy options for our students with allergies (Halloween inspired “trinkets” such as; pencils, erasers, fidgets, etc.)  Items can be dropped in the bin at your school prior to the event.  We appreciate as much as you are able to contribute!
*Please note this event is for elementary students and their families only.
Follow up emails will be sent to volunteers closer to the event with specific spot numbers, timing, and details.  Questions?  Please contact Benee Meade at


October 2021 PTA Meeting Minutes

General PTA Meeting Minutes 10/13/21, 7pm
Welcome, Pledge, Board Introductions
Mrs. Murphy Updates:
Introduction of Mrs. Cascone, Speech Teacher and Miss Bagniewski as Teacher representatives for the PTA this school year.
COVID Update/clarification
  • Per Superintendent email; If your child is sick/has a positive test, they must quarantine (siblings as well) for 14 days. This is dependent on the level of the region, if levels go down- this changes weekly- quarantine time goes down.
  • Please communicate all illness with Mrs. Laxo
  • It is not mandatory to quarantine after travel, but it is recommended. There will be no home instruction for voluntary quarantine, only for those students who test positive or are in close contact
  • PTA meetings, in person events are KEY to a tight-knit BAS Community
  • Please reach out with any questions, get familiar with all teachers, specials teachers and who to direct specific questions to. Phone/in person correspondence is better for larger issues, email works is good for quick notes to the teachers
  • School and PTA are streamlining communication this year via email blasts (less frequent with more information) and the BASPTA website
School goal of Whole Child Development
  • This year school is seeing more issues with the independence of the students.
  • Parents are encouraged to guide children to advocate for themselves while at school (ie. Speak up when they have to use the bathroom, pack own backpacks and snacks, etc.)
  • This year with full day school is a first for ALL BAS students and with this comes new experiences
President Updates:
Special Recognitions/Thank you’s:
School Supply Kits – co chairs Meredith Goldblatt & Claire Henderson
Spirit Wear Sale – Christine DelRe
Walk/Bike to School Day – Nikki Savino Mulcahy
5K – Chair Laura DiChiara and her team Meghan Cuthbertson (sponsorships), Laura Holcomb (ad marketing), Catherine Venditti (print marketing), Nikki Savio Mulchay (social media), Sanjeevanee Vidwans (t-shirts)
Member at Large position – Jen Jurkowich
Where PTA $ have gone so far this year:
  • Refurbishment of the library (special thank you to Mr. Nick for painting)
  • Small Welcome Back $10 Amazon gift card for our Teachers
  • Mums for the exterior of the school
  • Lunch for our custodians for Custodian Appreciation Day
  • Outdoor recess kits (4 kits total, mesh bags filled with outdoor activities) that will be delivered to the school within the next 2 wks.
Why join the PTA? To fund all the experiences that enhance our children’s classroom experience! As well as Teacher/Staff Appreciation & beautification both inside & out. Just a reminder to be a class parent or other volunteer as a chair, must be a PTA member. Link is on our website as well in our communication emails.
Gratitude for Teachers & Staff – major focus of our PTA $’s last year, will continue to plan small gestures throughout the year (in addition to Teacher Appreciation week in May). Courtney Byrne will give more details as to what’s planned for immediate and in the upcoming 1-2 months.
Adding in Fall Spirit Week – week of 11/15 (leading up to Spirit Day on 11/19 – which is also the holiday boutique). More details to come!
Lawn Signs – “Thankful for our Teachers & Staff”; look out for ordering information coming soon; will be put up the week of Thanksgiving
How to stay up to date? Website (, Monthly Email Blasts, Remind – Thanks to all that have signed up – can still sign up (send text to @basptak, @baspta1st, or @baspta2nd to 81010)
In need of Lunch Aides throughout the district- 2 hours per day; $25 per hour. Will help facilitate a smoother experience for lunch & recess for our kids; Please click here to see the flyer and volunteer – Preview attachment Lunchroom Assistant Flyer.pdfLunchroom Assistant Flyer.pdf162 KB  90% of BAS Lunch Aides have returned but other schools in the district are still in need.
Standing Rules – Taking place of By-laws (which are now standard across all NJ PTA’s); Rules passed unanimously at 10/13 meeting
Here’s the link to view:
Claire, Treasurer Update:
Membership information, budget must be approved every year at the first PTA meeting
Budget for 2021-2022 was reviewed and approved unanimously at 10/13 meeting
– Current: 156 members $1,560 – $624 = $948
– Donations as of 10/13 $3,434 (13 $100 donors, 2 $75 donors, 14 $50 donors)
– 2021-22 Estimate:  Revenue $28,460 – Expenses $27,440 = Net $1020
Nikki, VP Update:
Upcoming Events, Thank you to all volunteers this year!
  • Informal ‘Playground Playdate’ 10/15, stay and play if your around and bring $ in case the ice cream truck stops by (approximately 3pm)
  • 5K Update (Laura)
    • Record high sponsorship in only 1 month including 3 Elite sponsors and 1 Super Elite sponsor
    • 314 runners signed up as of 10/13
    • Advance registration is now closed, but sign up day-of is an option
    • More volunteers along the parade route are welcome, still in need of a photographer
    • Thank you to the team of volunteers
  • Pretzel Sale
  • Pumpkin Picking/Decorating- more information closer to the date
  • Trick or Trunk (Benee)
    • Still in need of trunks and volunteers
    • BAS time slot to trick or treat is 6-7pm
    • No bathrooms/water distribution this year
    • DJ Confirmed
    • 10/20 bins will be available outside the office for candy collection- in need of a LOT of candy this year from both schools
    • Thank you to the team of volunteers
  • BAS Halloween Parade- confirmed for 2:15. Students may not wear their costumes to school in the morning, they can either go home for lunch and change or change at the school (going home is recommended)
  • Holiday Boutique (Claire Henderson)
  • Kindness Day & Cranford Family Cares Collection- further information closer to the date
  • STEAM Night- further information closer to the date
Update on Class/School Directory- must opt in-to the directory via google form
Benee, Recording Secretary Update:
Website is updated on a regular basis and includes all information, flyers, links related to BAS happenings. PTA meeting minutes will be added to the website this year
Courtney, Corresponding Secretary Update:
  • Teacher & Staff recognition will continue throughout the year
  • Week of 10/4 Halloween candy was dropped off for the teachers’ lounge and coffee for the front office staff
  • Push this year to acknowledge the Specials Teachers since they often bounce around the different schools; specific gifts/notes are being planned targeted towards what they teach
  • Thank you lawn signs will be back closer to Thanksgiving


Julie, Class Parent Update:
Class parents joined a call the week of 10/13 to discuss the school year
Christine, Monthly Email Blast Coordinator Update:
Spirit Wear sale not only has BAS merchandise but Cranford blankets as well
Using S’more this year to enhance and streamline information to the parents
Member Questions:
  • For families new to Cranford, is there a way to explain more about the goings-on at the school so they have a better understanding of our events, etc. How can we help them be better informed about things they may not know about?
    • Document with blurbs about each event is being generated to help inform all families
  • Request for the teacher Wish Lists to be sent again this year
    • PTA will request

Class Directory and Class Parent Volunteer Form

BAS Parents…

The PTA are currently compiling information for the 2021-22 Class Directory.  Please fill out the form below to be included!
Interested in volunteering to be a class parent this school year?  Interested in signing up for text reminders for school activities and events?  Click the link for all the information you need to opt in!
Deadline for inclusion in all of the above is September 24th.  Thank you for your continued support!

This Month at BAS- September 2021

This Month at BAS

September 2021

Welcome to BAS and welcome back to all of our returning families! We are so happy to be back in school and we can’t wait to make many memories together this year at BAS. We are here to help make this a wonderful year and we look forward to your partnership to make that happen. Please reach out with questions, concerns, or suggestions. We can be reached at Together we will make this another year of learning and growing together at BAS!

Meet the PTA Board

President: Nicole Feeley

Vice President: Nikki Mulcahy

Treasurer: Claire Henderson

Recording Secretary: Benee Meade

Corresponding Secretary: Courtney Byrne

Monthly Email Blast Coordinator: Christine DelRe

Class Parent Liaison: Julie Bridge

Member at Large: Jen Jurkowich

We Need Your Help!

Open Chair Positions:

  • Pretzel Sale Co-Chair: Co-chair with Meredith Goldblatt. Would entail organizing our monthly pretzel sale. Pretzels will be pre-ordered via a google form, chairs will need to bag for each student, sort by class, and deliver to BAS. Morning/Daytime commitment once a month.
  • Cranford Family Cares Collection In November; Chair would need to create flyer and pick up donations from BAS and drop at Cranford Family Cares.
  • CASA PJ & Book Collection – Takes place during the first week of March; Chair would need to create flyer and organize pick up of our PJ & Book collection benefitting CASA Union County

Please reach out if you have questions about any of the above open chair positions!

BAS PTA School Directory and Class Parent Volunteer Form

Please fill out this form to be included in your class directory. Class parent volunteer information is included in this form as well!

BAS Back to School Night

Virtual Back to School Night will take place on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Each class will be assigned a half-hour time slot with additional times for Special Activity Teachers and Related Services. The Google Meet times for homeroom classes are listed below:

  • Grade 2 (6:35 PM – 7:05 PM)
  • AM/PM Kindergarten (7:10 PM – 7:40 PM)
  • Full Day Kindergarten (7:10 PM – 7:40 PM)
  • Grade 1 (7:45 PM – 8:15 PM)
  • K-2 Mrs. Roberts (7:45 PM – 8:15 PM)

A more detailed schedule with Special Activity Teachers, Related Services, and the Google Meet Links has been sent via email.

BAS/OAS Fall 5K and Fun Run

The BAS/OAS Fall 5k and Fun Run is back!

Registration is now open at…/Cranford/BloomingdaleOrangeFall5K

This year, for the first time, 5k runners can now have the option to participate in-person or virtually, from anywhere at any time! Register before 9/26 to guarantee a cotton t-shirt for fun run participants and technical shirts for 5k participants (in-person only).

Additional BAS reminders

Yearbook Photos:

Please send your full-size (high/original resolution) back to school photos to with the event, student names, and class/teacher of the students pictured. It will help ensure that we are able to include as many students in the yearbook as possible. Don’t forget to send your first day of school photos!

Yearbook Ordering Info

You can save 10% by purchasing your yearbook before September 20th!

Go to Bloomingdale Avenue School’s passcode: 1014769111342711

(*If you have a second grader at BAS, please do not purchase a yearbook for them. They are gifted a yearbook by the PTA.)

Box Top Collection

Easy – just download the Box Tops App and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account!

Amazon Smile

If you use Amazon Smile ( for your Amazon purchases and select Bloomingdale Avenue School (146714 Bloomingdale Avenue School PTA), 0.5% of the purchase price on eligible products goes directly to the school! Perfect way to support BAS doing the shopping you are already doing!

A Look Ahead – BAS PTA Events for 2021-2022


6 – Walk to School Day

13 – General PTA Meeting Please join us for our first (virtual) meeting of the school year. Link coming soon!

15 – Spirit Day and Pretzel Sale. Show your school spirit by wearing your BAS t-shirt or any Cranford blue and gold gear! Please snap some pics to send to the yearbook!

17 – BAS/OAS 5K and Fun Run

29 – Trick or Trunk


15 – Kindness Day and Cranford Family Cares Collection

18 – STEAM Night

19 – Holiday Boutique (Happy Holidays!)

19 – Spirit Day


17 – Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

TBD – Toy Drive


12 – General PTA Meeting 7pm

14 -Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale


18 – Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

TBD – Skate Night (TBD)

16/17 – Art Night


1 – Dr. Seuss Week and CASA Book & PJ Drive

3-4- Book Fair

9 – General PTA meeting 7pm

18 -Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

23 – Variety Show Rehearsal

25 – Variety Show


8 – Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

29 – Arbor Day (TBD)


2 – Teacher Appreciation Week

6 – Plant Sale

11 – General PTA Meeting 7pm

20 – Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

TBD – Spring into Summer Events

26/27 -Field Day


10- Spirit Day/Pretzel Sale

*Dates are approximate. More information on these events coming!

A Special Thanks to. . .

Allyson Konzelman, Picture Day ChairMeredith Goldblatt and Claire Henderson, School Supply Kit Co-Chairs

and the following volunteers who helped to organize the school supply kits: Jennifer Glackin, Jackie Zaccone, Christine Gill, Kate Lydon, and Jennifer Jurkowich


BAS/OAS Fall 5k & Fun Run is BACK!

The BAS/OAS Fall 5k and Fun Run is BACK!

Sunday October 17th
Fun run begins at 8:00am
5K begins at 8:30am
Registration is now live at…/Cranford/BloomingdaleOrangeFall5K
Can’t make it 10/17?  This year, for the first time, 5k runners now have the option to participate in-person or virtually, from anywhere at any time! Virtual registration can be found via the link above.
Register before 9/26 to guarantee a cotton t-shirt for fun run participants, and technical shirts for 5k participants (in-person participants only).

Join the BAS PTA Family!

Have you joined the PTA yet?  Its just a click away!
Joining the PTA is one of the first and most important ways to get involved with and contribute to our children, teachers, staff, and enhance the classroom experience at Bloomingdale Avenue School!
With your membership dues, the PTA funds everything from assemblies, class celebrations, student enrichment events, teacher mini-grants, and indoor/outdoor beautification of the school and MUCH MUCH more!
We truly appreciate your continued support and generosity!

A few examples of where your PTA dollars go:

  • Assemblies
  • Class Celebrations (including end of year/moving up)
  • Book Fair
  • Art Night
  • STEAM Night
  • Field Day
  • After School Clubs
  • Arbor Day Celebration
  • Yearbooks and OAS spiritwear – 2nd grade
  • BAS Spiritwear – K, new students, and new teachers
  • Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Celebrations
  • Teacher Mini Grants (additional supplies, technology memberships, etc)
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation and Celebrations
  • Beautification of the School both inside and out:
  • Flowers and plants around school property (Annually)
  • New Playground Border and Mulch (2019)
  • Reading Garden (2018)
  • New Bike Rack (2018)
  • New School Sign (2017)

May Updates!

This Month At BAS – May 2021


Teacher Appreciation Week – Week of 5/3 – 5/7🏫
On behalf of the PTA, Courtney Byrne & Benee Meade planned an incredible full week of special treats, activities, & gifts for our teachers and staff with the overarching theme of “Thank You For Helping Us Grow”. There will be something each day of the week, including a breakfast, a grab & go lunch, cookies from Cake Artist, a copy of “I Am Peace, A Book of Mindfulness” for each teacher, personalized mason jar planters, and a staff yoga class. Please also be on the lookout for additional information from your specific class parents!
Plant Sale Pick Up – Friday 5/7 💐🌸🌺🌻
Pick-up will be on Friday May 7th in the BAS Parking Lot between 3-5pm!
Thank you to all who supported the PTA during our Spring Plant-a-Palooza sale.
General PTA Meeting – Wednesday 5/12 7:00 PM
Last general PTA Meeting of the year – Wed 5/12 @ 7pm; Google Meet Link to follow.
Relay For Life🎗
Bags for decoration (and donation if you choose) will be coming home Tuesday 5/18 and due to return back to school Thursday 5/20. All the bags will be displayed outside at BAS for the children to look at on Friday 5/21 and then also at Cranford High School on Saturday 5/22.
Spirit Day – Friday 5/21🐾
Show your school spirit by wearing your BAS or Cranford gear! Remember to snap those pictures for our yearbook.
Field Day – Wednesday 5/27 & 5/28📣
Information forthcoming.
Additional BAS Reminders
Yearbook Purchase📚
Last day to purchase a yearbook is Sunday, May 9th. See attached flyer to purchase your yearbook.
Reminder 2nd grade students will receive their yearbook as a gift from the PTA (includes 2 customizable pages, any additional customized pages will be an additional charge).
Box Top Collection🗳
Parents simply download the Box Tops app and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account.
Additional Community Reminders
Beach Towel Sale: Support GS Troop 40035 by purchasing a personalized Cranford Beach Towel. These would make a great birthday, graduation or end of year gift! 100% of the proceeds will go to Turning Point Community Services, which provides emergency shelter and support services for homeless women and children in NJ.
Graduation Lawn Sign Fundraiser🎓
Celebrate your Kindergarten or 2nd Grade Graduate! Orders due June 1st (see attachment)

A Special Thank You to…..

-Courtney Baginski – Yearbook Chair

-Jennifer Glackin, Nikki Savino Mulcahy, & Laura DiChiara – BAS/OAS Drive In Movie Night

-Courtney Byrne & Benee Meade – Teacher Appreciation Week

-Jen Rodriguez, Nikki Savino Mulcahy, Jennifer Glackin, and Allyson Konzelman – Plant-A-Palooza Flower Sale


📅 A Look Ahead – June Save the Dates 📅

6/11 – Spirit Day

6/4, Rain Date 6/7 – (More details to come!)2nd Grade Moving Up & OAS Walk Over

6/10 – Kindergarten Graduation Celebration

6/17 – Last Day of School


Yearbook Reminder!!

Good news!
There is still time to purchase a yearbook. Deadline has been extended to Sunday May 9. Remember to also customize your 2 Free pages.
Don’t miss out on this wonderful keepsake!

BAS/OAS Spring Drive-in Movie

The BAS & OAS PTA want to hear you SING at the Drive-in!
Join us for a night of music and laughter as we premiere 
the Sing on the Orange Avenue Pool big screen!

UPDATE: Spots are currently full, however there is a wait list.  

Please remember to make payment for your spot within 24 hours of your sign up to finalize your registration.

We will also be taking up a collection of goods for Cranford Family Care.  You will be able to drop off your donation upon entry to the theater.  

Your donation will enter you into a raffle drawing and a winner will be announced that evening via email!


**Payments will be made via Venmo as instructed on the email link**

April Updates

This Month At BAS – April 2021


Spirit Day – Friday 4/16 🐾 🥨
Show your school spirit by wearing your BAS or Cranford gear!
Arbor Day – Thursday 4/30 🍦
More details to come.
Additional BAS Reminders
See attached flyer to purchase your yearbook. Reminder 2nd grade students will receive their yearbook as a gift from the PTA (includes 2 customizable pages, any additional customized pages will be an additional charge). Last day to purchase a yearbook is April 30.
Yearbook Pictures 📘
Keep those yearbook pictures coming! Please send high-resolution photos (select actual size if you are sending from your phone) to Include the event/activity, student names, and class/teacher of the students pictured.  Any community events, sports, playdates, etc. including current BAS students whether at school or not will most likely be helpful. PHOTO SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY APRIL 16.
Amazon Smile😀
If you use Amazon Smile ( for your Amazon purchases and select 146714 Bloomingdale Avenue Sch PTA, .5% of the purchase price on eligible products goes directly to the school! Perfect way to support BAS doing the shopping you’re already doing!
Box Top Collection🗳
Parents simply download the Box Tops app and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account.
Thank you families for making art night a success! As promised, here are the winners for this year’s art night raffle. Each will receive a $15 Vanilla Bean gift card next week when they are back in session. Thank you to all who submitted photos for this entry.
  1. Emily Turon
  2. Liam Jurkowich
  3. McKenna Oldfield
First grade
  1. Josephine Lionetti
  2. Samantha Daly
  3. Amelia Reily
Second Grade
  1. Sergio de Jesus
  2. Cecilia Konzelman
  3. Cole Bernier
A Special Thank You to…..
Heather Rosen – Art Night
Claire Cooper & Kate Ryan – Virtual Scholastic Book Fair
Nicole Mulcahy (March Staff Appreciation)
Last but not least, THANK YOU to ALL who donated to our pajamas & book drive. Please see the attached thank you note from CASA of Union County.
📅 A Look Ahead – May Save the Dates 📅
5/3 – Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6 – Spring Movie Drive-In
5/7 – Plant Sale
5/12 – General PTA Meeting 7:00 PM
5/21 – Spirit Day & Pretzel Sale
5/28 – Field Day

March PTA Meeting Minutes

March PTA Meeting Minutes – 3/10/21
Nicole (President): Welcome, Pledge
  • Special Thanks:
    • Claire Cooper & Kate Ryan – Virtual book fair
    • Xiomara De Jesus – coordinating PJ & Book Drive benefiting CASA of Union County
    • Benee Meade – coordinating the partnership with 4th grade OAS to also collect books (and bookmarks) to benefit our book Drive (100 books & bookmarks collected/donated)
    • Staff Appreciation: Xiomara De Jesus – Jan (to go snack bags); Courtney Byrne – Feb (heart shaped cookies from Cake Artist)
    • Heather Rosen – Virtual Art Night Chair
    • Selene Carey – By-Law Renewal
  • Upcoming Staff Appreciation: March – Nikki Mulchay
  • Will be sponsoring additional assemblies (TBD, Mrs. Murphy coordinating, still have $900 reserved in the budget to fund)
  • Murphy & teachers are working on additional mini grant requests for us to be able to fund; 1 request is to purchase paint for library (request from LY)
  • Brainstorming additional ideas for virtual family activities
  • Supported the highschool Junior class fundraiser “You’ve Been Shamrocked” – be on the lookout March 16th
  • Yearbook Needs – keep sending in pics; look for email w specific needs; April 30th order deadline
  • PTA By-Law Renewal: Review proposed changes (Selene Carey) and vote
    • By-Laws were unanimously approved by the board and all attendees
Nikki (Vice President): Current and Up-Coming Events
  • Book Fair – Final Week, ends Friday March 14th, 25% of proceeds go back to school
  • Virtual Art Night – Give details (Kits will be send home 3/15, will have a week to do and have a chance to win a Vanilla Bean gift card; will also be able to send back into school for it to be displayed)
  • Plant Sale – Partner w Dreyers; Need at least 1 to 2 volunteers to chair.
    • Will take place close to Mother’s Day. Possibility of deliveries directly to homes
  • Plan Spring 1 mile walk/run challenge in lieu of 5K this year
    • Family Challenge
    • Raffle entry with photo submissions
    • Spring Drive In Movie Night – OAS on board to co-host again, need to pick date and movie
      • UPDATE: Sing confirmed for Thursday, May 6 at 8pm- BAS sold out!
Claire (Treasurer): Balance of $8,618.32 in the bank account.  Started the year at $8,997.16, so pretty much flat so far this year.
  • We have paid our dues to national and paid taxes for the year this month.
  • End of year parties etc are usually about $800-1000 and Mothers’ Day/Fathers’ Day is usually around $600-$700 (might have to offset the low class budgets)
  • If we can figure out some fundraisers to offset those expenses that would help us with the bank balance
    • Variety Show- still pending, we need that money (approx. 2k at stake)
      • Brainstorm ways to make that money up
    • Spiritwear Sale and Plant Sale are on the budget as past income makers of $600
      • Spiritwear might be pushed to a fall sale
Benee (Recording Secretary):
  • Website up to Date
  • Any additional information parents would like to see on the website?
  • Chairs can be requested via BAS PTA Website
Courtney (Corresponding Secretary):
  • Janitor thank yous
  • Teacher appreciation week chairs
    • We need to recruit. Class parents?
    • Budget?
Xiomara (Monthly Email Blast Coordinator):
CASA of Union County collection stats
  • Organization stores items and the children shop for them
Thank you to everyone who donated Books & Pajamas for our CASA collection. Between OAS and BAS, we collected around 151 books and 51 Pajamas!
  • Make this an annual tradition
Julie (Class Parent Liasion):
  • Teacher Appreciation Week: Week of May 3rd; Will send out some guidelines/suggestions to class parents
  • Mothers Day/Fathers Day: Plan common projects by grade, buy supplies in bulk. Each class can still execute on their own along with class parent and based on teacher schedule as in previous years. Ask the class parents for each grade to come up with an idea and then I can coordinate buying the supplies.
    • Coordinate the execution of the projects with the teachers and class parents
    • 1 class parent per grade to brainstorm
Mrs. Murphy (BAS Principal):
  • Thank you to the parents for continuing to show up for the meetings
  • Thank you to the PTA for the Teacher appreciation tokens each month
  • The assembly was very well attended by students, especially since some students had to log back on at home
    • Looking to stagger the next assemblies to alternate mornings and afternoons
  • The annual Book Tournament kicked off this week
  • The Second grade winter concert, led by Miss McDonald was a success. Students filmed themselves and uploaded videos to Flipgrid
  • Guest leader for the Pledge of Allegiance in celebration of Girl Scout Week
    • Exploring ways to allow more students to lead the pledge for the remainder of the year
  • PTA is funding the facelift of the library which hasn’t been updated in years. Mr Nick and Mr Mark will handle the painting which is expected to be done by September
  • For Kindergarten parents- Emergency remote single session days will now be 1h40m for AM and PM students. Regular single session days stay the same
  • End of the Year
    • As many in person events as possible. Must be outdoors, distanced, and follow all Covid protocols- these may include:
      • Kindergarten end of the year celebration
      • Second Grade moving up ceremony
      • Field Day- split into 2 days
      • Second Grade ice cream contest- happened with time slots

BAS Art Night!

BAS Art Night will take place the week of March 15!

‘Dream Big Dream Catchers’

  • Art Night Kits will be distributed on Monday, March 15, 2021
  • Detailed instructions will be included with each kit (also below)
  • Complete the project at home and bring in your Dream Catcher by Friday, March 19th.
  • Write your name on the back of your project. All Dream Catchers will be displayed in the hallway.
  • Don’t forget to show off your work for a chance to win a gift card to Vanilla Bean Creamery! *Submit a photo (include student name, grade, class) working on your project or of your dreamcatcher:

BAS Virtual Book Fair!!

It’s BAS Book Fair Time- and this year we are Virtual!!!

Our BAS Scholastic Book Fair will run online from March 1 through March 14.  25% of the proceeds from purchases made through the link below will go directly back to our school!
This year our wonderful teachers have created wish lists to help build their classroom libraries.  See the flyer link below for the wish lists (also listed below), AND if you purchase any of the titles listed, please be sure to add your name to the Google Doc to show that the specific title has been purchased!  Thank you as always for your support!
Please contact Claire Cooper or Kate Ryan with any Book Fair related questions!


Ms. Bagniewski’s Wish List

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by, Ryan T Higgins

 Not Quite Snow White by, Ashley Franklin

The Little Butterfly that Could by, Ross Burach

Can I be Your Dog by, Troy Cummings

Mrs. Ruszkowski’s Wish List

Elephant and Piggie: Waiting Is Not Easy by: Mo Williems

The Teacher from the Black Lagoon by: Mike Thaler

The Magic School Bus Presents Wild Weather by: Sean Callery

Not Quite Snow White by: Ashley Franklin

Meet a Firefighter by: AnnMarie Anderson 

The Story of Ruby Bridges by: Robert Coles 


Mrs. Cruz’s Wish List

Look and Find Out Creepy and Crawly Predators  by Author Alice McGinty

 The Dodo: Little but Fierce by Author Joan Emerson

 Hibernation  by Author Tori Kosara

Petting Zoo By Gail Tuchman

Pets at the White House By Marge Kennedy

Families, Families, Families By Suzanne Lang

The Wish Tree By Kyo Maclear

Mrs. Ferraioli’s Wish List

The Couch Potato by: Jory John and Pete Oswald

Not Quite Snow White by: Ashley Franklin

I Promise by: Lebron James

The Little Butterfly that Could by: Ross Burach

Speak up by: Miranda Paul

Big Feeling by: Alexandra Penfold

Alma and How she got her Name by: Juana Martinez-Neal

Mrs. Toddings’ Wish List

Sloth Life by Joan Emerson

National Geographic-Wild Animals


Fangs by Jessica Lee Anderson

Big Feeling by: Alexandra Penfold

Speak up by: Miranda Paul

Mrs. Zabludovsky’s Wish List

The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright

Brave and the Fox by Nicola Davies 

Book Title: The Paperboy by Dav Pikey

Paddington by Michael Bond

One Little Bag by Henry Cole

Joey by Nic Bishop

Roy Digs Dirt by David Shannon


Ms. Kloc’s Wish List:

The Little Butterfly that Could by Ross Burach

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

 Junie B. Jones’s Second Boxed Set Ever! (5-8)

The Bad Guys Box Set #1-5 by Aaron Blabey

Dog Man: The Epic Collection by Dav Pilkey

Mrs. LoGiudice-Alfano’s Wish List

Hair Love by Matthew Cherry

I Will Dance by Nancy Bo Flood

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

Brave and the Fox by Nicola Davies

When I Grow Up Misty Copeland by Lexi Ryals

Ms. Morreale’s Wish List

The Bad Guys Box Set #1-5 by Aaron Blabey

Dog Man: The Epic Collection by Dav Pilkey

The Never Girls Collection #1 by Kiki Thorpe

Bad Kitty Pack: Books 1-5 by Nick Bruel 

Branches Press Start 

Who Would Win? 

Mrs. Nudelman’s Wish List

Ada Twist, Scientist  by Andrea Beaty

Book Title: Junie B. Jones’s Second Boxed Set Ever! (5-8) by Barbara Park

Who Would Win? Ultimate Rumble Pack by Jerry Pallotta

There Was An Old Mermaid/There Was an Old Pirate (2 Pack)  by Lucille Collandro

Mrs. Oricchio’s Wish List

 Who Would Win: Ultimate Rumble Pack

Puppy Place #50 Spirit

Heroes of Black History: Who Was Set

I am Love: A Book of Compassion

Lotus Lane Value Pack

Narwhal’s Otter Friend


Mrs. Roberts’ Wish List

 I Am Enough by Grace Byers

 All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

I Need a Hug by Aaron Blabey