October Updates

This Month At BAS – October 2020
Back to School Night – Tuesday 9/29 🍎📝
Back to School Night will be held virtually this year. Parents/Guardians will join through their child’s Google Classroom. Click the BAS Back to School Night Schedule for the specific time to log on to meet the teacher, as well as additional information on the special activity and related services schedule. The schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten and Mrs. Roberts (K/1)

6:35 PM – 7:05 PM

1st Grade

7:10 PM – 7:40 PM

2nd Grade

7:45 PM – 8:15 PM

Join the BAS PTA!!!!!📣
There are many different ways to be involved and volunteer throughout the year, from just joining the PTA, to attending a PTA meeting, chairing or helping at an event, becoming a class parent, and more depending on the time that you have to give. We are grateful for all of you, as well as our extremely supportive principal Mrs. Murphy and the teachers and staff that work with us, so our children can have the best experience during their 3 years here. Show your BAS support by joining our PTA today! Please make sure to follow us on Facebook, visit our PTA website ( and check your monthly email blasts to stay in the loop! Click  HERE  to join the BAS PTA! (Make sure to click “View Cart” to complete checkout and add payment information).
Walk Your Child to School Day- Wednesday 10/7🚶
BAS will participate in National Walk to School Day on October 7th. The goal of this day is to raise awareness and support for the health, community and environmental benefits of regularly walking or biking to school.
General PTA Meeting – Wednesday 10/14 7:00PM 🏢
Please join us for our first meeting of the school year. This meeting will take place virtually. Link coming soon!
Spirit Day – Friday 10/16 🐾
Show your school spirit by wearing your BAS or Cranford gear! Remember to snap those pictures for our yearbook.
BAS/OAS Drive in Movie Night TBD🎥🎞📽🎬🎦
In an effort to support our local businesses and raise funds for our school, we are partnering with Cranford Movie Theatre. This event is currently in the works, so please be on the lookout for more information on what will be a fun Halloween themed event.
Additional BAS Reminders
Yearbook Pictures 📘
Keep those yearbook pictures coming! Please send high-resolution photos (select actual size if you are sending from your phone) to Include the event/activity, student names, and class/teacher of the students pictured.  Any community events, sports, playdates, etc. including current BAS students whether at school or not will most likely be helpful. Thank you for your support!
Box Top Collection📦
Parents simply download the Box Tops app and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account. We are looking for a low time commitment chair to coordinate this process. Please reach out to us if you are interested in helping!
Amazon Smile😊
If you use Amazon Smile ( for your Amazon purchases and select Bloomingdale Avenue School (146714 Bloomingdale Avenue School PTA), .5% of the purchase price on eligible products goes directly to the school! Perfect way to support BAS doing the shopping you’re already doing!
Open chair positions:
BAS/OAS Virtual 5K
Box Tops
Cranford Family Cares Collection
Contact Nikki Mulcahy ( and Nicole Feeley ( if interested!
Class Parent Volunteers🏫
Interested in becoming a class parent?  Be on the lookout for additional information coming soon about volunteering to become a class parent!
Additional Community Reminders
Cranford Inclusivity Project💓💓💓
The Cranford Inclusivity Project  is a grassroots community initiative that was formed to increase inclusivity and diversity in the town of Cranford, New Jersey. The organizers of the group are Cranford residents who came together because of a shared passion for inciting positive change in our community.  Please visit their website to learn more and become involved on upcoming events and ongoing projects.
13th Annual Scarecrow Stroll🍁🍂
The Scarecrow Stroll runs Oct 14th – Nov 1st, go check out all the amazing scarecrows created by Cranford Families, business owners, and local organizations!

A Special Thank You to…..

Christine Del Re – BAS Kindergarten & New Student T-Shirt  chair👕
📅 A Look Ahead – November Save the Dates 📅
11/1 – BAS/OAS 5K Virtual Race (TBD)
11/16 – Kindness Day and Cranford Family Cares Collection
11/19 – STEAM Night (TBD)
11/20 – Spirit Day