March Updates

This Month At BAS – March 2021
Join the BAS PTA!!!!! 🐾 🥨
Show your BAS support by joining our PTA today!
Please make sure to follow us on Facebook, visit our PTA website ( and check your monthly email blasts to stay in the loop! Click  HERE  to join the BAS PTA! (Make sure to click “View Cart” to complete checkout and add payment information).
Other ways to join if you are having issues with Membership Hub:
General PTA Meeting – Wednesday 3/10 7:00 PM 🎙
Link forthcoming.
VIRTUAL BOOK FAIR – 3/1 – 3/14 📚
The Scholastic Virtual Book Fair will take place from March 1st to March 14th. BAS gets 25% of the proceeds from purchases from March 1-14.
Teachers will be creating “Wish Lists” for their classes. Thank you for your support of this great fundraiser for our school! More information will be forthcoming.
Art Night – Thursday 3/18🎨
Information will be available soon and will be sent out as soon as finishing details are finalized.
Spirit Day – Friday 3/19 🐾
Show your school spirit by wearing your BAS or Cranford gear! Remember to snap those pictures for our yearbook.
See attached flyer to purchase your yearbook. Reminder 2nd grade students will receive their yearbook as a gift from the PTA (includes 2 customizable pages, any additional customized pages will be an additional charge).
Yearbook Pictures 📘
Keep those yearbook pictures coming! Please send high-resolution photos (select actual size if you are sending from your phone) to Include the event/activity, student names, and class/teacher of the students pictured.  Any community events, sports, playdates, etc. including current BAS students whether at school or not will most likely be helpful. Thank you for your support!
Amazon Smile😀
If you use Amazon Smile ( for your Amazon purchases and select 146714 Bloomingdale Avenue Sch PTA, .5% of the purchase price on eligible products goes directly to the school! Perfect way to support BAS doing the shopping you’re already doing!
Box Top Collection🗳
Parents simply download the Box Tops app and select our school by zip code. Then snap a picture of your grocery receipts and the fundraiser money loads right into our school’s account.
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS for the following events:
By-Law Renewal Committee: 1 additional volunteer needed to help with the by-law renewal process. Small time commitment – review current by laws, and propose any changes. Ideally will be voted on at our March 10th PTA meeting.
Virtual Spring 5K – would like to plan virtual 5K for Spring but need at least 2 volunteers to help coordinate. Responsibilities would include: organizing and setting up a virtual site for registration, marketing the event, and coordinating T-Shirt ordering/distribution.
Additional Community Reminders
CHS Project Graduation St. Patrick’s Selfie Scavenger Hunt🍀🍀🍀🍀
CHS Project Graduation 2021 is sponsoring a great family-friendly activity for leprechauns of all ages! Try your luck at gathering as many points as possible to win one of several St. Patty’s themed prizes!
Included in registration is a personalized bag o’goodies along with a map to find Cranford’s Irish best such as decorated homes, bagpipers and Irish dancers…you may even spot a real life leprechaun! See attached flyer for more information on how to sign up!
A Special Thank You to…..
Courtney Byrne (February Staff Appreciation)
📅 A Look Ahead – April Save the Dates 📅
4/16 – Spirit Day
4/30 – Arbor Day/Ice Cream Social (TBD)